Legal Summary

North Dakota Gun Laws

  Open Carry: Open carry is illegal
  Duty to Notify Law Enforcement: No duty to notify if you have a permit/license issued by ND or a state they honor. You DO have a duty to notify if you are a ND resident carrying under permitless carry
  State Parks: Concealed Carry is legal in accordance with state laws that regulate the right to carry
  Restaurants Serving Alcohol: You may only have a firearm in an establishment that sells alcohol if in the part of a restaurant that permits those under the age of 21. 62.1-02-04
  Firearms at Colleges: Concealed guns allowed only in locked cars in parking lots
  Firearms at K-12 Schools: ND permittee with loaded handgun lawful in vehicle only and some localities may have more restrictive policies
  Church Carry: Churches act like any other private property and may restrict
on a church by church basis
  Hotels: No legal restriction - Reference article on page 67
  Secure Storage Requirements: None
  Magazine Capacity Limitations: No restrictions
  Suppressor Ownership: Lawful
  Vehicle Possession Without Recognized Permit: Firearms must be secured, meaning closed into a trunk or nonpassenger part of the vehicle or rendered inoperative. ND residents of 1 year or more can carry an unsecured firearm
  Firearm Law Uniformity: Some variance by locality
  Permit Training Requirements: An applicant for a class 1 license shall successfully participate in a classroom instruction that sets forth
weapon safety rules and the deadly force law of North Dakota, complete an open book test based upon a
manual, demonstrate familiarity with a firearm or dangerous weapon, and complete an actual shooting or
certified proficiency exercise. An applicant for a class 2 license is required to successfully complete the open book test offered for the
class 1 license.
  Non-Resident Permits: Non-residents who have a permit from their home state and whose state has reciprocity with ND may apply.
  Constitutional Carry: Yes. Effective Aug 1, 2023 this applies to both residents and non-residents.
  Duty to Retreat: No Duty To Retreat. HB1498 Effective 8/1/21
  Places Off Limits: See state specific regulation about establishments that serve alcohol.
. An individual who knowingly possesses a firearm or dangerous weapon at a public gathering is guilty
of a class B misdemeanor. For the purpose of this section, "public gathering" means an athletic or sporting
event, school or school function and a publicly owned or operated building.

To carry in a place of worship one must have the approval to carry by a primary religious leader of the place of worship.
  State Contact Info: North Dakota Attorney General
600 E. Blvd. Ave | Dept 125
Bismarck, ND 85505
  Permit Issuing Authority: Office of Attorney General - Bureau of Criminal Investigation
  Length of Permit Validity: 5 Years
  Permit Application Process: Apply via mail. Include all required documentation, application, and fee.
While Concealed Carry Inc strives to maintain legal reference information updated on this website; you as the reader and gun owner are responsible to do any and all necessary research and consult with a local attorney before making any decisions. Concealed Carry Inc is not liable for any misinformation, inaccuracies, or actions taken based on this information. We are not attorneys and this information is not legal advice. If you see any information you feel is outdated or incorrect please contact us.

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